Rachel Kirby, Candidate for School Board District 1

A proud member of, and endorsed by Moms 4 Liberty, an extremist book banning organization with close ties to the Proud Boys.

Rachel Kirby is an anti-science, homophobic, transphobic extremist who spreads election denial propaganda.

Kirby’s social media feeds are a smorgasbord of hate and anti-science. She shares content from right wing hate mongers like Christopher Rufo, spreads harmful anti-democracy lies about the integrity of drop boxes, and supports legislation banning the accurate teaching of history. She has even shared content from the Epoch Times, a far right conspiracy mongering media outlet, as well as the stochastic terrorism Libs of Tik Tok account.

Her social media feeds are also FULL of COVID denial and anti-science, retweets and shares casting doubt on the efficacy of vaccines, and COVID safety protocols.

Kirby is a leading participant in smearing her opponents as ‘groomers.’ In a Facebook post from June of 2022, she even went as far as to call for the arrest of teachers who provide safe spaces for their students.

She opposes sensible gun control reforms, she’s anti-choice, and pro-censorship.


David Dwyer - Candidate for FL House District 42